From left to right, top down:
1948: Photo for birthday invitation card (1st year)
1948: Dressed for winter in Campinas
1949: Just before getting my first brother, 1 1/2 years old
1954: Seven year old (always with a butterfly tie)
1956: Last year in elementary school in São Paulo, 9 years old
1958: Dressed for occasion, 11 years old.
1960: As a cowboy, in the Carnival in Campos do Jordão (February),
13 years old
1961: With formal dress, first prom ball (end of junior school, December),
14 years old
1965: A sophomore in the Medical School (March), 17 years old
1968: At the graduation cerimony of the Medical School (December), 21 years
1969: Assistant instructor, Dept. Physiology, 22 years old
1972: Christmas time in Campinas, 25 years old
1977: Christmas time in Munich, 30 years old
1978: Post-doc in Munich, 31 years old, first time with a beard and moustache.
1997: State University of Campinas, 50 years old
2001: At a videoconference, State University of Campinas, 54 years old.
2003: Visiting the University of Salamanca, 56 years old.